Captures network traffic. Must be ran as root.
Common Usage
Capture SNMP traffic from a host in zentrap
sudo tcpdump -i any -n udp and src host
Capture SNMP traffic from a host on the zentrap host
sudo tcpdump -i any -n udp and src host and port 162
Switch |
Name |
Descriptio |
( ) |
Grouping Parenthisis |
When using these with ‘and’ and ‘or’ statements, you must encapsulate the entire expression in single or double quotes. Otherwise, these characters will be misinterpreted as special bash characters. |
and |
Logical AND |
Both conditions must be met. |
arp |
Capture only ARP traffic |
-c |
Count |
-c 5 = Collect 5 packets and stop. Without setting a limit, you’ll need to ^C to stop. |
-D |
Display Interfaces |
See which interfaces are available. Use one of these with -i
dst |
Destination |
Use with host to filter on traffic sent to the defined Host. |
-e |
Display Mac Address |
Included the Mac Address in the output. |
ether |
Mac Address |
tcpdump -i any -n ether host 28:16:2e:1f:25:49 |
-h |
Help |
Shows version info, plus short list of common switches |
host |
Host |
Capture data only to or from the host specified |
-i |
Interface |
Select the interface to filter on. See -D to get the list of available interfaces. |
icmp |
Ping |
Capture only Ping traffic |
ip6 |
IPv6 |
Capture IPv6 traffic |
-n |
Numerical |
Prevent conversion of IP Addresses to Host names and Port numbers to common Port names. IMHO, this should be the default setting. |
net |
Network |
Prefix CIDR notation with keyword ‘net’. tcpdump -i any -n src net and not dst net |
not |
Logical NOT |
Use with ‘and’ and ‘or’ to exclude conditions. tcpdump -i any -n src net and not dst net |
or |
Logical OR |
One or the other conditions must be met. To filter traffic from 2 different IPs: tcpdump -i any -n “(src host or src host and dst port 161” |
-q |
Quiet |
Display less data |
-r |
Read |
Will display the contents of a .pcap file in normally displayed output format. |
-s |
Size (Bytes) |
Set how much data to capture per packet. Default size is displayed when you first call the program |
src |
Source |
Use with host to filter on traffic sourced from the defined Host. |
-t |
Timestamp |
Do Not display the timestamp |
tcp |
Capture only TCP traffic |
udp |
Capture only UDP traffic |
-v, -vv, -vvv |
Verbose |
Display Verbose output. Good when writing to a file because will echo the packet count to the terminal. |
-w |
Write |
Write output to a file. tcpdump -i any -w capture.pcap |