Getting started with IIS 7.x

How to setup IIS for the first time

This article assumes you have already purchased a domain and pointed the DNS to your Window’s server IP.  Setting up DNS is outside of the scope of this article.  If you need to setup DNS, you might want to read this article first.

This how-to explains how to setup IIS 7.x for your first website.  It assumes you have already installed IIS on your system.


Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager)

* If IIS 6 is available, do not use it.

Right click on Sites > Add Web Site


In the Add Web Site pop up window:


a. Site Name: I recommend using the FQDN (, but this is not required.

b. Physical Path:  Select the folder for your site files.  Recommended locations include :

C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ or C:/inetpub/wwwroot/vhosts/

* You will need to create this folder if it does not already exist or you will get errors.


c. In the Binding section, select Type: http, IP address: All Uunassigned (unless you require a dedicated IP) and Port: 80.

d. For the Host name, use your domain’s FQDN.  This is very important if you are using a shared IP!  (I don’t think this is required for domains on dedicated IPs)

e. Check [X] Start Web site immediately and then click OK to start your website

Your domain should now be available online, however you will probably get the following “Server error: 403 – Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied” until you add content.




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