How to cancel a Codero Cloud instance
Cancelling a Codero Cloud instance and preventing further billings is as easy as destroying the instance. From the moment the instance is deleted, it is considered cancelled and no further billings will occur for that instance.
Log into your Codero Cloud Account
Open Cloud Portal at then click
Enter your Codero Client Id for the username, then enter your account password and click
Locate the instance you wish to cancel
From the Main Menu dsiplayed in the left column, click
Display Options
Locate the instance you wish to delete. If you only have one intance, or the instance you wish to delete is listed first, the options should be displayed by default. If you cannot see the options, click the down arrow located on the right side of the instance display.
Delete the instance
With the available options now being displayed, click
Confirm Deletion
A confirmation window will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the selected cloud instance. Verify you have the correct instance using the displayed hostname. If this is the correct cloud instance, delete it by clicking the green [Yes] button.
After a few moments, your cloud instance will be destroyed and you will receive no further billings on the instance.
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