How to partition a drive using fdisk
fdisk is the Linux disk partitioning utility. It should only be ran on unmounted drives, so a Live CD or similar is advised.
fdisk is the Linux disk partitioning utility. It should only be ran on unmounted drives, so a Live CD or similar is advised.
To mount a disk on boot, you will need to enter the disk/partition information in the fstab file. Before this, you should have the uuid of the partition. 1. Create the mount point Create the mount point (directory) for the new partition. This is often done in /mnt or /media mkdir /media/partition_name 2. Determine Drive… read more »
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The Reverse DNS (also known as rDNS or PTR record) for an IP should be set to the EHLO value that is sent in the outgoing mail header. This is generally the HostName of the computer, which should be different from the domain name. Recommended values for the Hostname include or